:: Santal Musical Instruments Darich.org
The Santals have a variety of musical instruments, some of which, are specially associated with particular festivals or dances. For instance, the dhak along with other percussion instruments always accompanies the Natua dance performed during Sohrai. The Banam too is a must for specific festivals. Other instruments like Buang and Sarpa too are used only for specific occasions.
Creator : Ratnaboli Bose
Date : 2012-2019
Duration : 2m 23s
Instruments used : Huka Banam, Dhodro Banam, Tirio, Kartal, Ghonta, Regra, Tamak, Tumdak, Lipur
Source : Live recording
Copyright : ©2022 Daricha Foundation. All rights reserved.
Subject : Santal, Banam, Tirio, Tumdak, Tamak, Regra, Lipur